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Hotel Neuwirtshaus
Restaurant Alte Hofkammer
Schwieberdinger Straße 198

70435 Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen

Phone 0049 711 699 449-0
Fax 0049 711 699 449-59

E-Mail: info@remove-this.hotel-neuwirtshaus.com
URL: www.hotel-neuwirtshaus.com

Contact form

If you have got any questions or if you need any information to our offers, please give us a call (+49 711 699 44 9 0), send a mail to info@remove-this.hotel-neuwirtshaus.com or send the following form:

*required fields

Restaurant "Alte Hofkammer" · Schwieberdinger Str. 198 · 70435 Stuttgart · Telefon (07 11) 699 44 90 · Fax (07 11) 699 44 9-59 · E-Mail: info@remove-this.hotel-neuwirtshaus.com